Vision |
Ensure safe, efficient and reliable transportation and technical management to customers. Safeguarding the health and the safety of the shore-based and shipboard personnel as well as the protection of the environment in which we operate.
Mission |
We fulfil our vision by:
- Comply with all legal requirements and meet or exceed applicable legislations
- Maintain public confidence in the integrity of our operations by openly reporting our performance
- Effective cost control and increasing efficiency
- Offering our colleagues personal growth and a motivating place to work
- Being innovative
- Being good corporate citizens
Values |
Toward customers and partners
Integrity and Honesty
Consistently grow relationships based on trust and respect
Questioning and committed to personal excellence and self improvement
Commitments, result and quality
Objectives |
In order to:
- ensure safety at sea;
- prevent human injury or loss of life;
- avoid damage to the environment, in particular to the marine environment and to property;
- satisfy the contractual requirements and meet the expectation of the Clients;
- protect and warn vessels and crew against illegal practices;
the Management has set the following policy:
These policies are implemented through processes described in the Company's Safety Management System Manual, which includes standing orders, instructions, forms, checklists, posters and via controlled distribution of relevant information.
General Declaration |
Company policies are approved by the BOD or its nominee Managing Director. They are communicated, explained and readily available to all company personnel so that they are fully understood, implemented and maintained at all levels of the organization (both ship and shore based).
Motia Compagnia di Navigazione S.p.A operates a modern fleet of ships with high standard of construction and equipment and employs suitably qualified personnel on ships and ashore.
It is the policy of the Company to ensure that all employees are able to execute their work in safe and healthy working conditions by complying with national and international statutory rules and regulations.
The Company thrives in aiming to eliminate all known risks that may result in unsafe and hazardous conditions or damage to property or environment. The recognition of any potential risks which may result in hazardous occurrences shall form the backbone of our company's safety and environmental protection policy aiming to achieve accident/incident and pollution free environment.
The Company shall review the Policies and the Safety Management System documentation annually to verify its effectiveness and for the purpose of continuous improvement. In addition, targets and goals set at the beginning of each year shall be reviewed as required.
The responsibility lies with the Board of Directors or a specificaly nominated Managing Director to ensure that content of the policies remains relevant and effective.
The BOD has appointed the Designated Person(s) at shore and will esure that she/he has full authority to perform her/his function as described in ISM Code and implementing and maintaining the Company's policies at all levels on board and ashore.
Departmental Managers and senior management on board are responsible for ensuring that personnel under their supervision understand the Company's Policies which relates to their functions, implementing the requirements of the Safety Management System, by following the instruction contained in the SMS manual.
The Company Policies are to be posted in all office(s) location incuding sub-officies and on board on the Bridge, ECR and in Mess Rooms.
Company Health & Safety Policy |
As safety is a fundamental principle of Shipping Activity, the Company Management recognises its responsibility towards Health, Safety and Welfare of the Company's employees and other persons who may be affected by the Company's activities with utmost concern and seriousness.
It is the Company policy to prevent accidents and work related illness among its employees and therefore values safe and healthy work conditions for the employees to be of utmost importance.
It is the Policy of Motia Comagnia di Navigazione S.p.A that in all its activities it will take into account the need to:
- Identify the risks to health, safety and environment involved with its business activities and take the necessary precautions required.
- Provide employees with the information, equipment and training necessary for them to carry out their work safely.
- Establish procedures, which effectively protect its employees from all known hazards and issue instructions for use of personal protective equipment on board the vessels.
- Ensure that means are provided for ongoing communication between Management and ship's personnel on Health, Safety and Environmental matters. The Management considers that accidents involving personnel and property can be prevented if proper thought is given to the risks involved in the work and the appropriate precautions taken.
The Company will maintain its zero incident policy by monitoring and analysing worldwide reported shipping incidents/accidents and distributing lessons learnt across its fleet to avoid similar occurrence of such incidents/accidents to happen within the organisation.
However, should an accident/incident take place, proper reporting procedure as outlined in the safety manual shall be followed to ensure follow up investigation and root cause analysis.
The lessons learnt shall be distributed throughout the fleet to prevent future re-occurrence. The company believes that safety is best achieved by free and open dialogue between ship and shore personnel and implementing "No Blame" policy.
The company is aiming very strongly in reducing Lost Time Accident Frequency to as low as possible recognizing that zero would be the optimal goal.
They further recognise that safety is a line management responsibility to be managed in the same way as other business activities such as finance, marketing, or human resources.
In respect of the design, construction and operation of all plant machinery and equipment, including the inspection and monitoring of machinery, the Management accepts their responsibility to comply with legislation and Internationally accepted Codes of Practice. They further agree to participate with International and Government bodies over matters of health and safety .
The Management is responsible for the implementation and co-ordination of this policy. The Management requires that senior officers on board and visiting superintendents always lead by example by following safety practices and procedures.
While the overall responsibility for Health and Safety rests at the highest level of the Management ashore as well as with Masters of the respective vessels at sea, the Company expects that:
a) |
All their sub contractors adopt a Health and Safety Policy providing equivalent terms to Health and Safety Policy. |
b) |
All employees and other persons working aboard ships act responsibly and thus, prevent injury to themselves, their fellow workers, third parties, property and the environment. |
We expect the full co-operation and commitment of all personnel towards sustaining the highest possible standards of health and safety as personal health and safety lies first with each individual.
Enviromental Protection and Waste Reduction Policy |
Motia Compagnia di Navigazione S.p.A is committed to protect and safeguard the environment.
The policy of the Company is to conduct its operations in an environmentally sustainable manner in order to protect the environment and planet earth for a better life for the present and future generations
The environment and its protection are of utmost importance to the company and the Management expects its employees on board and ashore in striving to acchive "Minimum Pollution to the Environment" policy.
Motia Compagnia di Navigazione SPA and all its employees are committed to a sound environmental program directed to bring hazardous and all waste to the lowest level, using the best available technology.
Company policy requires the use of environment-friendly anti-fouling paints, the implementation of reuse, recycling and recovery of waste processes within the organisation, and work with suppliers and contractors to supply biodegradable packaging. This will assist in avoiding damage the global environment, people, wildlife and property.
By Commitment to excellence in environmental protection the Policy of Motia Compagnia di Navigazione S.p.A is to constantly seek opportunities in source reduction, thereby achieving advantages in operational efficiencies and quality. In all its activities the present Company Policy will take into account of the need to:
- Recognise its responsibilities as a leading Shipping Company and concern itself with both long and short term effects of its operations on the environment and world ecology.
Comply with all applicable laws relating to environment protection whilst believing that:
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the first line of defence against pollution must be to avoid accident, and |
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the way of minimizing adverse impact on the air, sea, water and land goes through excellence in waste reduction. |
- Implement immediate response to and appropriate disclosure of all environmental incidents by maintaining emergency response capability in all operations.
- Reduce generation of hazardous and other wastes to the maximum possible extent: eliminate, reduce, recycle and substitute to user friendly products in order to provide for a safe and sound environment.
- Identify and implement practical advances in technology in environmental areas on protective basis.
- Improve environmental awareness of all employees
- Communicating Company goals and seek employee support for programmes, policies and procedures in an endeavour to ensure that all employees are fully aware of the impact of their activities on the environment.
- Conduct all operations on board/in office in a manner so as to ensure minimum energy loss as per best management practices.
- Ensure continual improvement of environmental performance and pollution prevention
- Ensure effective monitoring of the environmental performance of the Company is carried out.
Assessing all risks for possible environmental impact resulting from various aspects of shipping business, the Company has identified the following as areas of prime concern:
- Oil cargoes and associated products
- Chemicals and solvents
- Dangerous dry cargoes
- Nitrogen Oxide(Nox) Substances
- Sulphur Oxide(Sox) Substances
- CO2 emission
- Cargo vapours
- Halons, CFC's and HCFC's
- TBT - based Anti-Fouling paint
- Ballast water handling
- Waste generated on board and in the Office
The Company's Safety Management System is very closely addressing anti-pollution caused by any of the above stated sources.